Anyone’s power out on Veteran Ave or is it just me?
Evacuation Order has reached the Getty
Looking for 2 extra tickets for poli sci commencement
Extra tickets for poli sci commencement
Summer Aid
Is canvas/bruinlearn down for anyone else?
is bruinlearn not working for anyone??
Baseball over the summer
Club Baseball Team
In Westwood for the summer?
ucla students dorming over summer
student barbers
For my RTTS homies who's names aren't in the game.
Parking structure time validity for permits
How do I start collecting Rollins? I don’t have enough stubs and I don’t understand how to work the market to get cards.
Potential God Squad?
If you have gotten into UCLA, what would you say gave you an advantage in comparison to others who applied?
Has anyone heard back for the room change request?
New Student Megathread - For all incoming Bruins
I just got assigned to Pablo Verde for housing and I can’t find any information on it, is it apart of the university apartments?
What happens at the New Student Session and is it on campus?
I got the Chancellor Scholarship for Fall, what are the requirements?