[Standard] Gastal Raider replacing Duress in creature based-black decks
MTG Arena Achievements - Exciting or no?
Help with Designing Adventure/Equipment Theme
Who? - No one likes board wipes
Card Ideas
Warden of the Afterlife
[DFT] Gastal Thrillseeker
Ninjutsu for blockers
Card ideas
Sadistic Gnoll
Isn't this proof of poor game design?
[DFT] Uncommon Vanilla Legends Cycle
Some archetype themes are confusing.
[DFT] Gastal Raider (SAYS)
[DFT] Transit Mage
Evaluating Vehicles in limited
Frustrating UI when you have a full hand or access to exiled cards.
Getting a vibe that Max Speed is going to be a dud
If this card isn't in Tarkir: Dragonstorm I will cry
Ask r/spikes || Jan 2025
[Standard] Rakdos Descend (Stalactite Stalker and Molten Collapse)
What the hell is going on with Nilah‘s winrate almost 57% after the patch
[DFT] Endrider Catalyzer
[DFT] Perilous Snare