Make some new friends from North East in Bengaluru to do Hangouts
How and where to find local alcohol to drink?
I'm still wondering if these kids even know the meaning their choiced words
Do people in shillong hate outsiders ?
Well well well...
Should I.?
What game is this for you?
Gamers, help me buy custom PC.
India post speed post advice
What do you think our ancestors viewed homosexuality during the pre-colonial era?
This guy is trying to convince my friend with black spell.
Class 1 Edmunds book
Reality check for Indians
Incident today
Did you guys feel the earthquake?
Auto Driver got rewarded
Wasted a scammer's time by sending them random memes
Offering Financial Assistance to U.S. Residents Facing Hardships
Only shakers
Any help at all is greatly appreciated.
Ed Sheeran concert megathread
What's your opinion on the KSU and other NGOs
Negative perceptions of our ancestors in the Khasi-Jaintia hills internalized via colonialism is more common than I previously thought.