How many down votes will I get for complaining about the long sword?
I don't know what to say tbh
Question about HR
We need an indication of where the boss room is. Finding Crypt bosses now feels worse than ever
One more game before bed paid off
HR loot disappeared
You will be alone in your grave
Just curious
So True
First pmc kill as Rat! 🐀
اخوي صغير قدم على العسكرية وانا خايف عليه
What's the most fun class to play in your opinion?
My first skull key after 1050 hours
Hotfix #74 - Sorcerer Nerfs | Continuous Dungeon Fixes
What is a current life hack can you teach your future kids and grandchildren?
Current Gameplay Loop
Which soulsborne has the best and worst second half?
Arab countries Military power ratings IMO. What do you think?
Who is the best valo pro in your opinion?
Journey To Kuronami Vandal
Who wants a slave?
Day 1 posting motivational message
Upgrading to 1440p
Like what????