Accidentally sent this scan with my tax info
Power just went out at our office downtown... Anyone else?
A dark future for Canadian drug policy is being designed in the prairies ⋆ The Breach
Partener tried to dye our white couch because it had some stains. I said we shouldve got couch covers but no...
This lil boy needs a name!
They may not win the election, but this one? This feels good.
I wonder what’s playing on that car’s stereo…
Living room is almost done. . Let me know what to you think so far:)
What exteriot paint colors would you choose with this red brick
What celebrity of the Gen-X era would be the most interesting to sit down with and just listen to them tell you stories?
Why do people care what others do / wear / say / live if it doesn’t affect / impact them directly?
What movies make you cry every time, without fail?
What would you do to improve this kitchen?
Opinion on Color?
Advice , Suggestions , Help?
My oil painting
What would you say this facial expression is??😂😂
How do I fix these lead painted windows?
Looking for a name!
Two-thirds of Sask. voters say pronoun law will impact vote
What was your weird latchkey food?
Starting over (work) at age 55?
Which handles for my vanity
GenX trope: did you come home to an empty house?