What’s the best way to learn how to make apps/websites for a hobby as a beginner?
How do I get a job in NYC when I don’t live there yet?
1. d4 players: what do you play as black?
What are some good second jobs for someone with a 9-5?
None of the annual campaigns in my area interest me. What do I do?
"I hate small talk so much..."
Drop your dream school below for good luck!!!!
Not to be a buzzkill but people should know Dr. Mike is a race realist.
A tale of two clients
Why didn’t the Chinese bourgeoisie try to take over and reinstate capitalism following Mao’s death in 1976?
Comrades, It’s Time To Get Organized
Is there any way to explain to liberals it wasn't cause of misogyny or racism?
How will Trump's election affect PD jobs long term?
Best countries to go to law school outside of the US?
Rogan for Trump. Help hinder or meh?
Oh shit views are down quick hit the "Fuck Hasan" button again
Why is this sub more pro-Palestine than the actual Red Scare podcast?
Comrade Greta, folks!
Does this tweet pop into anyone else’s head whenever Ethan is like “it was mandatory!!!!!!1”
Is this sub just a trans hate circlerjerk?
Was just banned from h3 subreddit, so I thought I’d repost this here