H: David's Trophy, Item for Ally, Scanner Upgrade & Repair Beacon W: Leaders
H: Esme's Cooking Set W: 1500 Leaders
H: 500 Leaders W: GSBQ
H: Mods Bundle W: 20K Caps (Trade Already Confirmed)
H: GHB W: 250 Leaders
H: 1k caps w: aa mod
H: 200 Leaders W: 2x Loon
H: new flower box plans W: price check
H: masks, leaders W: GUni
H: Glowing Blue Devil and Glowing Bee W: Glowing Bigfoot
H: gmino,ghb,demon,Brahman,bosjs w: apparel offers ( rf set,fcjs,tlc)
H: gmino, ghb, Brahman,demon bosjs w: Glowing Abe
So how much is TFJ going for in leaders?
Big Guns Giveaway!
H:Brahmin w: raven and crazy guy
H: Glowing Bigfoot Mask W: 3 rangers, 3 pinpointers, and vats optimized
H: Brahmin Mask W: 45 leaders
2K Big Guns Giveaway!
[XB1] H: Glowing Turkey, Glowing Pig, Buffoon, Raven W:leader offers or mixture of mods in picture below looking for 4 star mainly
W:5 Overeaters H:Other mods, bobbles, or flux
H: g mino W: something else? Im after legacys or nuclear silo misc (no keycards)
H: glowing sbq x2, loon, glow pig, glowing alien mask Glowing honey bee, demon, urban scout mask, forest scout mask ( 20,000 nuka darks) W: new glowing masks
H: glowing robot and turkey and demon mask W: offers
H: Glowing Pig, W: Other Glowing Mask(s)