Losing weight? Second tri
Are there any drug slang names that are male gendered, eg Molly/Mandy/Mary etc but male?
Epidural myth
Who are you having in the delivery room?
Am i weird for touching my husband's penis?
Homeless People Don’t Want Your Old Food!
Please help, pregnant and dose spilled.
Another bottle check question
Can u get high of methadone I don't do any opiats
Question just for my own personal…idk peace?
Tried Oxy for the first time 2 days ago can't stop thinking about it
Does Anyone Like Their Clinic?
Update to Magnet on Fridge
Oops, I dropped some of my dose on the sink!
Excruciating constipation
Is it normal to not feel pregnant?
I ordered some Hollywood cigarettes off the internet, got these instead
play or aggression?
Am I pregnant even without insertion?
Just a warning - FRER
Anxiously waiting for my period. Haven’t had sex, just showered with my bf with no physical touch