Top 20 Law Schools if Law Rankings Were Purely Based Off Undergrad Rankings
Korean cinema continues exodus to Netflix as box office woes intensify
From state school to getting into a Princeton PhD, AMA!
Should I choose Berkeley or UCLA for summer exchange program?
Transferring from UCLA to a CC
Best fraternities and Clubs for business/finance opportunities
Any alum in a similar situation?
What do you do in finance clubs?
There hasn’t been an Asian student body president in over 24 years at UCLA…
LinkedIn paranoia - how do most of yall have such a great profile?
Why do so many established international lawyers get LLM’s?
Unemployed, I’m so fking depressed.
Do you feel represented by non-visible Asian celebrities?
What are reasons an American wouldn’t want to visit Australia?
2025 Netflix promo with an Asian actress
Happy Chinese new years
Harvard vs. Oxford: Please help me decide...
Pre-Law Resources other than clubs?
Does anyone else have relatively chill Asian parents and do you think “Asian parents” are sensationalized?
How well can you tell Asians from Asia apart from Asian Americans?
How do I pivot career into a business analyst role post college with limited quantitative skills?
Vanderbilt vs UCLA?
Just curious: Anyone choose to NOT celebrate Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year?
Alumni biggest regrets