Which sign?
What's helped you more - therapy or meds?
What is one "never have, never will" thing for you?
Thoughts on this
How do you describe the taste of Dr. Pepper?
Suggest me a book where you thought the movie or TV show adaption of it was better than the book
I GOT A JOB!! and somehow pushed through the job interview nerves wooo🥳🥳
I landed my first job today! Wooo!
What purpose does Journaling bring to your life?
This is my first time rlly in this Reddit I think, n I’ve just been kinda feeling alone in social anxiety
How do I stop being so self aware?
INFJs, what month were you born in?
How tall are YOU?
How do y'all cope with anger ?
new comforter! :))
Who do I look like??
what’s the most taurus trait about you?
Anyone feel like being quiet makes people act AGGRESSIVE towards you ?
what’s the most impulsive thing you’ve done?
Which color suits me best?
Who do I look like?
To all the Americans on here, Arby’s is underrated.
Who do you think my doppelgänger twin is?
It doesn’t stop