How good will the Kyurem fusions be in GBL?
Which one should I dump my XL in to?
Kyurems are now in ML, godspeed.
Was running Lead Groudon, safe swap O-Dialga RoT & close with Palkia went 5-0
Late Season Legend Push
Is this worth for Master League?
Zygarde needs a Buff
Master League players wya?
Is this the same as a hundo in pvp? I see it doesn’t lose the mirror to a 4* so I’m not sure
Master League players WYA?
ML players wya?
Which of these is my worst 4*
I present to you: The highest CP a Raticate is capable of achieving
Master League Suggestions?
First Xerneas raid. Is it worth investing in?
Did I make a mistake fusing this one?
Which 98 enamorous for ML?
Enamorus team to quick legend
I hate my luck
3500 CP max league - good idea or bad?
Anyone else had terrible luck with catching pokemons from the new raids?
To the player who brought a Cutiefly to a Yveltal fight…
With B/W Kyurem on the horizon is there any point in chasing Yveltal for ML?