Marshian - knight tieraowr
Self produced
knight tieraowr #knighttier
Knight tier: A song made off the dxm
Looking for a robotrooper to FaceTime
Dosage advice?
i have no friends
What energy drink has the best effect on you?
My first and last time trying DXM unfortunately. (Honest Review)
19F, go ahead!!
the comeup got me feeling like jesus 🤗
Peruvian Reptillian Humanoids HD photo gallery
How do you rid of a vril parasite?
In 2005, on the banks of the Dnieper river, a woman would have a melancholic chat with a reptilian beachgoer.
An update to my last post: I'm currently being stalked by a something that looks and sounds exactly like me. Last Saturday it tried to break in. I need help
I'm currently being stalked by a something that looks and sounds exactly like me. Last Saturday it tried to break in. I need help
This creature was what I saw in my window one night
Does anybody remember a time that the sky used to look like this in the summer?
I wanna quit
My girlfriend hates me
pazuzu, anyone?
What Morgellons looks like (I have it)
600mg HBr to start the weekend let's fucking gooo
m16, been called ugly my entire life? it is true? (brutal honesty)