ah yes, let’s group people using pronouns other than she/her and non binary people into the category of women, for a “more expansive” women’s history month.
Consultations with different surgeons at the same clinic?
Dr. Freet Status
where to find support?
In need of help finding a good, reliable surgeon
Help knowing what to say to request
Permanent stretching results
Pricing for FTM DMSO cream?
[Update] "Do you know an X in location Y who does the Powers method?" Please list them here.
wanting to prove my hypothesis that foreskin restoration is MANDATORY for transmasc folks looking to grow efficiently
What were your reasons for having meta and not phallo?
how realistic is it for me to be able to get my first stage at 18 or 19?
I don’t think I can cope
Need relationship help
The cheap projector I bought doesn’t have enough pixels for me to make out the password for me to connect to my dorm WiFi. Any suggestions or help?
Opinions? (As a fully stealth trans male trying to live life and not constantly be reminded of my medical condition idk how to feel)
Sex with someone with phallo
I NEVER thought this would happen!!!
I think I win
Maybe not the biggest clit but it’s big enough to fuck this doll. Any micros wanna take her ass while I’m in her pussy?
why is there so much “ftm femininity” and barely any “mtf masculinity”?
How can I stop feeling bad for not wanting to use testo or have a mastectomy?
Some recent ones, about 3.5 months post op
4 weeks post op
Want a kiss