Sapphic Discord for 25+
New Mexico lesbians?
Japanese Music Collection
Best/Favorite Album?
Could I preorder a Nendoroid from another website?
Russian Tea that is not Russian Caravan tea?
What’s the deal with Japanese CDs?
Does anyone else buy new CDs?
Julia Volkova and Lena Katina 260913
Is the promo version of Ne Ver Ne Boysia released on any CDs? And does anyone know why the final version that was put on "The Best" sounds different than the promo version?
another version of "200 km/h in the Wrong Lane" vinyl, what do you think?
Searching Vocaloid music without a mv/pv
Japan Gold Disc Awards 2004
Hetalia ita bag exept i have no merch and im just putting stuff from countries 😹😹😹😹 ( help )
Every Time
The N-Word?
Any artists who have had vocal surgeries like Julia that have resumed their career?
Anyone know, where i can buy or in any other way get to download Люди Инвалиды (Lyudi Invalidy) in flac or cd quality?
Drake & Josh meets t.A.T.u.: The episode concept.
What concert is this from?
Sketch of a Spray Painted artwork I want to make
tATu figurines which came with the Japanese release of the Truth DVD
Would you want a TV Show/Movie based on t.A.T.u.? Any ideas for casting or the direction you would like it to go (documentary vs biopic)?
Songs/Artists like: "Aural Vampire - Freeeeze!!" ?
"We have t.A.T.u. figures at home" The t.A.T.u. figures at home: