"Action in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness is Always Superior to Vairāgya"
Cloth Sim vs Soft Body Sim
I’m really confused about my stance with Hinduism.
Is it normal for gurus to ask for money, or to send money to Gurus
Phone tracking/tapping without consent. BARC
Does Raja Ram Mohan Roy's Brahmoism movement fall under Sanatana Dharma, as this clip from the Doordarshan serial "Bharat: Ek Khoj" states?
How do we refute this objection?
How do the spiritual aspects of the sounds of Sāṇskrit relate to its historical evolution and use in the Vēdas?
Recent trends that worry me
Premananad Ji Brainwashed my Brother
We are not sinners but divine
People who say Indra is a position not a God/person, please read:
I just attempted a screenwriting test and it has destroyed any belief I had in whether I can do this.
Cousin started a YouTube channel
NEED HELP: False Allegations of Rape by Ex-GF -- Need Urgent Advice.
You are not cooked , we’re going to help you . Don’t panic. Post specifically about what you think you need help with.
Would you convert others to your religion?
I feel like once you get laid off you are done for
Why physics will never explain everything, by physicists and Quaker, George Ellis (a co-author of Stephen Hawking)
Why are people thinking that they have right to act like Ishwar?
Say something nice about a religion (s) other than yours
I made 1 short film for every month of 2024. This is my last movie of the year
What’s one thing you don’t like about Hindus and Hindu society today?
Brahmamuhurtha Pooja no positive results
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