Why so many light weapons so much easier to use?
Is it just me or do SMG lights suck the fun out of this game?
Xbox/PC Servers
PSN Outage February 7 - 8, 2025 📈
This is how fast a light dies actually
This Patch Has Broken The Game (Bugs-a-hoy)
I just want it to be known that lights can obliterate full health heavy’s in less than 2 seconds at full health…
This is how you play light. Light is good where it’s at but low skill lights insisted on NeRf ThE HeAVy
The balancing changes don't seem to be bringing the game closer to Embarks stated goal.
This was a fire update (as a heavy/medium player) yall are babies.
A letter to Embark
Embark please stop reinforcing the memes 😭
Mid-Season Update 5.8.0 — THE FINALS
Server Problems Megathread
Why so much hate against controller players?
Why are the servers down again?
Server Status
No connection with backend
Sharing the Loadout Randomizer
What new weapons do you want to see added? I want the AUG for medium and the VSS for light and IDK what for heavy but some kind of full auto LMG that sits between M60 and lewis.
It’s definitely on my HOLY FUCKING SHIT list lol RedoOfHealer
Player-base is the real reason the game is not catching on
I think I made a play! 1v3 as HVY in final round
From downtown!
Buff the heavy do not nerf the light.