Rodan- Jungle Jim
What phc bands would you say were almost killed/killed off/never the same after a losing a member?
Hot Cross - Exits and Trails
Closedown- On Your Tongue
Hey - we're No Edits and we put out a record a few months ago (RIYL: Dischord Records, These Arms Are Snakes). You can listen to the title track below.
looking for recs
WIBTA for not providing meat to my meat-eater friends even though I'm vegetarian?
The Armed release ‘Ultrapop’
Please don't be mad at me
Need to share this with people who will understand...
The Mandalorian - S2E8 - Discussion Thread
Earth People - Dance
Help! The Cast Iron Nightmare
Antilles - "The Shame" (2010)
Our first EP is out now on Middleman Records and Tiny God Inc.
Closedown- “Bask In The Dancing Light” Out Now. All Proceeds go to BLM Cleveland.
Solid wooden doors, best price?
Out Now on Middleman Records and Tiny God Inc.
Got a Plant Stand Does anyone have Info on it or Advice for Repainting it?
Anyone hear about Social Distance Fest? Amitie played their set tonight and it sounded incredible for being a practice space livestream. Really looking forward to seeing the others, and performing. It’s Saturday on instagram.
We covered Funeral Diner as a part of an upcoming compilation.
You and I’s Tom Schlatter talks discography reissue, favorite new screamo bands & more
If y’all like moody post hardcore
Closedown full set @Plymouth House