What’s your biggest red flag 🚩?
If I go out alone as a kid will people make fun of me
What’s the biggest green flag
I wanna nut in a random guy's asshole so badly
Wtf are u supposed to do when u see a gay couple in public
Twelver Shia Muslim Starter Pack
how the fuck does one make friends at UCLA?
If Latin America were a single country, which city should be its capital?
young boy in recurring dream
How often do you eat deserts?
Which do you hate more: Straight PDA vs Gay PDA?
PlMEYES help
had a dream my uncle's entire family died from sleep apnea and i found out months later when my mom casually mentions it to me
swag lives matter
i wanna be a cowboy and live in the country but im gay and asian
reccomend me your favorite songs and ill rate them out of 10
Hot take: Indian men are hot af
drop ur hottest takes
Would u date sm who's fat
I took a shit and forgot to flush and my roommate got pissed off and called me out in the group chat?
Weird/Annoying Roommate Habits?
Guys what happened to Andre?
SJP Suspended
Have I messed up with my degree when AI is rapidly increasing?