Hidden gem classic movies
Canadian women who rock
What's yours?
I need a movie with a lead who is slowly losing sanity, eerie vibes, deep message, phenomenal acting
My daughter is almost 7 years old. What’s a must watch at that age?
Which movie should I watch tonight?
How often do you buy a movie you haven’t seen yet?
Been trying to branch out more into foreign cinema. What country’s films do you tend to enjoy?
What did you think of I'm Still Here?
Movies with kids training to be elite fighters/soldiers?
Transcription Tuesday #95: Church Street Blues (Dominick Leslie Solo)
Any fans of Canadian International Pictures? I have loved the releases I have so far. Hoping they get some Robert Lepage, more Don McKellar, Bruce MacDonald, and Francois Girard in the future.
Movies with older brothers taking care of young brothers
Bands/musicians you would pick to score a surreal/experimental but emotional movie?
Stevie Wonder
What film/s do you want to see released by a specific boutique label?
What's your funeral song?
Nolan can suck my dick
Who's the first actor in your most-watched actors on Letterboxd whose name you DON'T recognize?
So this is the country we are now I guess
Can anyone suggest moves like Stand By Me?
Movies about normal or low-key characters involved in crime
Which movie is most likely to have everyone disagree with you but that you sincerely, unironically believe should be in the Criterion Collection
“Queerbait” movies
Are there any movies you consider to have "spiritual sequels"?