Gedanken zur AfD repost
Paar Gedanken zu AfD (Wählern)
How can I make studying with paper more efficient?
Was denken sich AfD Wähler? Wie soll es in 20 Jahren aussehen?
I don’t know anyone who supports AfD, so where does all their backing come from?
Bereut es jemand, Architektur gewählt zu haben und warum?
People who want humanity to go extinct
Help me understand that humans have value just by existing
Why can no religion be true? Collecting arguments
Classmate claims the Islam is the most peaceful religion. How do I debunk that?
Why can no religion be true? Collecting arguments for ethics class
Why Do Some People Want Humanity to Go Extinct?
how do i stop being afraid of women?
Give me something to obsess over
Why do some people claim women historically had the same status as men and didn’t have to fight for anything? Is that true?
An alle Neurochirurgen ( aber auch alle anderen) : Wie sehr erfüllt euch eure Arbeit? UMFRAGE
An alle Neurochirurgen (aber auch alle anderen) : Wie sehr erfüllt euch eure Arbeit ? UMFRAGE
Was kann man mit einem Physik-Abschluss machen, ohne in Unternehmensberatung oder rein lukrativen Branchen zu gehen?
Everything is going downhill slowly since the attack from 7th October 2023
Teaching myself physics (advice needed)
Medizinstudent mit gesunder Lebensweise???
Alternative Berufe mit Medizinstudium
Am I misunderstanding the "I'm just a girl" trend?!