let my boy free
How to get Pokemon back that is stucked in the gym for days?
How Many Shiny Shadow Pokémon Does Everyone Have?
There are WEEKS where the GPS doesn't work and days where it does??? Wtf is happening??
Recent shiny update! What’s your recent shiny list?
Any name ideas for my boy? Got him couple weeks ago
Brand new CK jeans discolored with the shape of my smartphone
How many useless shiny did you get today 😅
did they make event shinys easier to get or am i just lucky?
found this taki in a bag
What to do with ~12000 energy cards?
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!
What shine do you want the most from the upcoming event?
What is your rarest 4*?
Whats everyones latest hundo/shiny
How many hundos/4* pokémon do you have?
Does ponyta have a shiny rate up or something?