Journalist pretends to be drunk and helpless near a busy bar.
Having to hid in the restroom from a shooter
I just learned that I have aphentasia
Racist Scottsdale kid goes off on girls at waste management.
Pringles Mingles???
Every single time i have seen Kanye's wife without clothes, it was against my will
The largest of the bears may look friendly but it's an apex predator
What movie can you watch a hundred times and still not get sick of it?
In your country, do you have corporations or like corporate/franchise restaurants?
North Korean Generals
Unboxing tier 5 support box
I can never open up a new jar with out thinking about it.....Iykyk
to pet a wild moose
Pharmacy meltdown
Just some orders… trying to save paper. LONG LIVE THE TREES
Guy finds a pool of still water in an abandoned hospital
anyone know when KL will be finished?
At what point do you give up on a run?
Railroad crossings downtown stuck right now
Give em to me!
Who’s death on a tv show stunned you?
Rank Suit Switching To Find Flush Face Down
Place for a micro wedding