I've been trying to quit drugs
Hookup rate
Should I?
Moorabbin 42 poz undetectable
I lost my emotions since psychosis (or is it the meds ?)
Roast my voices
My favorite reason on why you should stay alive:
The idea of a devil seems awful.
Galaxy phone
Why doesn't God test everyone equally?
End Day...
Moorabbin Undetectable
Aborting a child because you wanted to have some quick pleasure is absolutely disgusting.
Feeling crappy
Voices experience
Conversion therepy
Experimental Holiday..
Would two gay men be able to marry under Catholicism if one is a trans man, since Catholic laws only care about someone's biological sex?
are there any religions that worship nature?
I think im in hell and always have been
Earth and Hell
What if brain is like the hardware cpu but soul is like the software?