Big fan but I'm too poor for this
I just played a game with qop (my team) and rekt pa with bkb (enemy team) using a refresher orb. We won, but what's the counterplay to qop's refresher sonic wave?
As a support, does it worth to buy gem to deward rather than buying sentry?
Momentum 4 earpads
I want to start playing, I have a few questions
Who Is Your Current Most Hated Hero?
I want my candy back
So annoyed with smurfs in low mmr
How does Spell Amp maths with Ember's SoF?
I move camera with w-a-s-d
What is the point of lotus orb?
Well lads, the time has come. After collecting them for months the time has come to get my money. How much do ye think I’ve got?
Guess the hero.
Just dawned on me, what about a smart random option for picks?
What is the least synergistic hero pairing in the game?
battle cup issue
When are we gonna deal with this type of players
Streamer Awards Best MOBA Streamer
Possible Countermeasures to Toxicity
If you could pick any ability from Dota to have in real life, which one would you choose?
Mana cooldown timer
Valve's had solution for tokens but we were too harsh on them
Where the fuck is the patch ?
Which hero got you into Dota full on.
AMA Just hit top 5k in 800 wins (1.2k hours) entirely Solo-Queue Treant Support. At the start of 2023 I was Herald.