Recommendations for detective shows?
Anyone else have a movie they put on to fall asleep to?
What do you think of this cut?
Hilton La Romana DR
Recommend me some shows based on my top shows (no particular order)
I just know Brandon is not happy about it
Throwback - Honorable Mentions
I can’t decorate 😂
Strawberry Shortcake
What SNL skit have you watch over and over?
What do you miss about being young?
What's the funniest comeback you've ever heard?
Need good finished series to binge
I was going to get my coffee… guess this means I’m stuck.
I have to say it… I still like the office post Michael Scott
What's another Karen name for you?
First ever croissants!
Left-handed women: is your handwriting also godawful like mine?
Movie that is "bad ass" from a teen girls / young women perspective?
first time cupcakes
Worst movie you unironically love
My favorite line
Had to say goodbye to my best boy yesterday. I’ll miss him forever.
Any shows similar to Dexter?