[TOMT] [QUOTE] Quote from gay historic figure about his relationship other queer people at the time
Daniil Dubov Showing his "Principles"
Dubov about Niemann
Ilja Levitov talks about Dubov not appearing on game with Hans
Dubov interview after he thought he made top8(despite throwing game against Hans)
Why are there so many people on chesscom with 500ish elo that play like 1000-1500
Hikaru Unfairly Mocking a Beginner Tutorial
Found a basically new Series 10 Titanium for $350 on marketplace
From the screen to the ring, to the Billboard Hot 100
Should i still follow the 50/30/20 rule when being in debt?
Hans Niemann reflects on the damage done to his reputation and psyche over the past two years following the 2022 cheating scandal
Kinda stuck on 1500
What's a movie that would be a 10/10 if not for one thing?
Send Gift Every Day for XP
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
What else can I add!