Captain America: Brave New World's debut day sees a (currently) 47% on Rotten Tomatoes
Triple UL team got FUMBLED
How to make use of the Leader Slot?
Imagine bringing a full Ultra Team and all of them are 6-7 stars only to get folded easily
Who reversed a plat more
How could i improve my team?
IMAGINE the chaos you could do with ss gokus vanish spam and you what else we could imagine and who else can vanish spam
Games you went back to just to platinum it?
Can someone help me pick a team on this event
Heh... I don't even know what a goal is.
i'm confused
am dumb, dont understand how it works
Rewatching Castlevania. They certainly have a habit of introducing cool fucking badasses that only get like 1 fight scene...
Personal Taste: What's your preferred pizza order?
Please let me know if their is any room for improvement
Z-Power Question
New to the game, need help building a team (Preferably with Trunks/Vegeta, and Broly)
Is rathan still top 5/top 10
New player- is the old blue zenkai goku worth it?
Is my team ok?
HOW did I win
How can I make this team better
I think proud mode is a completely different meta to the rest of the game, but no youtuber really covers it, would anyone even care for a theoretical tierlist?
I genuinely don't know if I'm stupid or not
A full team of Ultras in 2025