Sgp speaks
Reached Platinum Puller, need tips on how to level up to Grandmaster
What was in Your opinion the best GothBoyClique artist at peep time? ( without Peep and Tracy)
I am going to have nightmares from this. Jesus
What is edwards most ordinary sounding song
Yall fuck with hella sketchy?
My favorite rapper smokedope2016
No simp shit but ilykimchi has to be the most beautiful woman in the underground rn
If hi-c was sad and depressed how would you guys comfort him ☹️☹️😢🙁😭😢💔😟
I’m so happy for lazy god🥰
Please send funny image i am in dispair
This shit was 1000% worth staying up til midnight for
Where the female fans at
Best live ever
who do ya'll think are the greatest musicians of all time and why?
Do y'all let big girls ride?
Hi C responds
Domd probably cackling and rubbing his nipples rn
Bayymack speak on upcoming tour & hi c allegations
Put me on to new music please
I was told to make an update for my slaughter to prevail mask
R/womenwithdicks has been banned
Rick Owens