No, I won't switch off rocket.
Do we actually know when all the skins are leaving the shop?
As a rocket main am I destined to be blamed anytime the fight isn’t going our way?
Loki copying Groot ult has a different sound cue
Stop calling Duelists "DPS"
Just because your favourite youtuber thinks a hero is bad does not mean it is
Well, you can’t expect to win ‘em all…
Should I but one 10 inch pop or two 6 inch?
If you are a second healer and the moment we start winning you swap to dps I hope you always sleep on the warm side of the pillow
How will this smurfing situation be tackled, especially in rank matches? No way this jeff isn't a smurf...
Will the Jeff Snow Skin return?
High ranking player advice?
Where can I find the amount of healing received between matches ?
Why Are There No Playable Villians
Most of the time, you will need 2 tanks
Manners Work More Often...
The ban system is lame.
Climbing as a tank main
The spot concept
Hard stuck bronze 3
Matchmaking in plat is broken and just unfair
How does the cart work?
My number 1 tip for ranking up
Searching for a tutor to teach me the ways of Spider-Man
We should get more Strategists that Don't heal.