[RED SUN Intensifies]
Audio mods seem to be conflict and not working with new patch
Anyone else experiencing hard crashes on PC since the latest update?
Why are half our troops on angles venture?
when your team call extraction but there's last bug hole left on other side of map.
I Hate these guys.
/unhelldiver/ I genuinely think the bots are underrated as enemies.
As a stims addict, why we can't do this?
Who likes using fire against enemies against democracy
Maybe we aren’t so different
If there's a John Helldiver who the heck is this?
A bit hypocritical of Super Earth to command us to wipe them out, but who am I to judge?
After lvl 40 you should be mature enough to be on ur own
PLEASE hear me out
Why are heavy dev shields still tank armor? Even if it was lowered to heavy armor it would still stop most support weapons.
This game really needs a firing range
Machine gun this, Mini-Gun that, you guys have so many of Machine Guns you're arguing over its flavor! Where's my Arc Orbital???
Heavy illuminate modified strider
I never used the tenderizer until tonight and you know what?……….. I finally understand now.
What do you think the endgame for this game is?
Democracy delivered
Hear me out...
Can someone help me understand the Unflinching armor perk ?
Am I the only one who finds the overseers BADASS?