H: Tesla science 9, W: leaders or apparel offers (no bos, wpjs, scout masks) only with verified courier if needed or split amounts!, also how can i increase my reputation?
H: veggie glowing mask W: Abe glowing mask
H: Glowing Abe W: Glowing Offers
H: TFJ W: Your glow mask offers
H: glowing unicorn mask and glowing jackalope mask i can add tesla science 9 W: leaders or apparel offers (tfj, tlc, lc, red asylum, fcjs, responders fireman set) of course courier since my karma still low
H: Tesla science 9 W:Ultra rare apparel or leaders ratio 3 leaders per ts9, we can use courier! (no bos, wpjs, fas masks, scout masks)
W:rangers mod H: leaders
H:TS9 and leaders W: ultra rare apparel (no fas masks, bos, wpjs, scout masks)
H:TFJ W:LC + 1.5k Tesla 9 mags
H: 1k Leaders. W: RF Set.
W:fcjs H: ask what you want
PSN down for anyone else?