Is this being toxic?

So I just left the Dread Pits Tier 8 Delve, and it's the one where you have to rescue the Kobolds from the webs. I saw in the chat that two players had said something.

Player 1: Stop opening the non-flaming webs,"

Player 2: "Who the hell keeps opening the webs? Please stop,"

Player 1: "Are y'all trying to get us to wipe?"

After the third one, we came up against Zekvir and went after him. Of course, someone is still opening webs that aren't on fire, causing multiple mobs to pop in rather than the ones that are on fire indicating which ones have the kobolds. In addition they kept running over the eggs adding even more mobs.

I finally had enough and said, "Will you please stop fking opening webs if you don't know what you are doing?"

Player 3: "Who invited Mr. Toxic here? Cussing at someone in a delve is not cool."

Me: "When someone asks you three times to stop opening non-flaming webs, and someone keeps doing it, then it gets old. And when I'm saying something, you know I'm getting tired of it."

I'm about as far from toxic as you can get and usually just roll with it, but when someone says something repeatedly, then to me, it seems like they're doing it deliberately.

So was my response toxic?

Update: General consensus is it wasn't toxic, but appreciate all the downvotes. I knew I can count on WoW Reddit to tank my reputation points for a simple yes or no question. And people wonder why the gaming community sees Reddit and WoW as toxic af. Thanks guys. BTW need more downvotes so I can't post anymore content or questions. Let me see what you got