Who are the War Gods in your world?
In my universe, the God of War is Zabazios Mars, the Lord of Atrocities, The Kral of Cruelty, Father of Beasts, Ruler of Maldruskar.
In addition to his standard divine powers such as immortality, telekinesis, telepathy, shapeshifting, flight. He has many powers fitting for a war god as his divine magic specializes in necromancy, destructive energies, emotions related to war such as hate, anger and fear, blood empowerment and monster creation.
As the father of beasts, Zabazios is responsible for creation of many monster species to create havoc, discord and destruction in the mortal realms. The more blood is spilled by his creatures, the more energy he able to feed on into becoming more powerful to challenge the other gods.
Like many other gods, Zabazios origins is shrouded in deep mystery and depths of time immemorial called by mortal scholars as the Age of the Divine/Myth. What is known, is that Zabazios has claimed the dimensional realm of Maldruskar as his headquarters where he constantly plots for conquest of divine and mortal worlds. Despite these powers, Zabazios prefers to se deception and manipulation to achieve his aims of complete domination over both mortal and divine-kind by manipulating the mortal races to despise one another. In addition he creates and corrupts monster legions to create chaos and bloodshed in the mortal realms.
Finally he also makes use of proxies mainly through his own generals or manipulating vicious war lords and tyrants to sow discord in the mortal realms.