Can't get over this sickness

Baby started daycare 10/21 and a week later we came down with a virus. Super congested, migraine, sinus pressure ect. Thought we got lucky because just us adults were miserable but my 3 month old had mild symptoms. However now we're 2 weeks into this and NONE of us are better and baby is getting worse. We have a humidifier going, done saline drops/spray, suctioned boogers out. Nothing is alleviating symptoms for her and her nose is so sensitive from everything it's like torture trying to help her clear it out. I'm not sure what to do at this point. She doesn't have a fever or labored/retracted breaths but if she's laying on her back I can just hear all the congestion and phlegm and she can't sleep because she's uncomfortable and I can't sleep because I'm terrified she's going to stop breathing. Any advice is helpful, I couldn't get her into the Dr but I have an appt tomorrow to hopefully see at least what we're dealing with because this feels never ending. We ordered an air purifier but it won't be here until later in the week.