What Walmart has taken away over the years

Was telling a fairly new associate all the extras we had back in the day(started working at Walmart in the 90’s). Was pretty shocked on how much walmart workers have lost over the years. Probably even forgot a lot of things. What I did remember…

-Merit raises

-Paid extra on Sundays

-holiday pay

-holiday bonus around Christmas(old timers should still be getting this)

-good job pins(get four and you could trade them in for a share of stock)

-employee of the month actually got some money

-myshare(and whatever the equivalent was before that, can’t remember what it was)

-9 point absence

-yearly raises based on performance not a set 2%,(hard workers would get better raises then the slackers)

-vacation(edit: wasn't vacation it was personal that would accumulate. Sorry it's been awhile)and sick pay could accumulate and wouldnt get paid out if going over certain number

Let me know what else we have lost over the years I missed.