Next Campaign, which Nation should I play?
Got a German, Japanese, and AH campaign active. Love all 3, mostly because of their Hull options. AH is a favorite, due to their long list of "secret weapons" baked into their tiny starting empire and early Dreadnought options; Japan is second because if you like sheer dakka and a sea full of torps, Japan's hulls have you covered like nobody else. Germany worked itself into my heart, just because they have hands down the best lategame Destroyer, Armored Cruiser, Battlecruiser, and Battleship hulls, as well as a phenomenal Light Cruiser Hull.
But I want to try something different. Looking at my options, there are 4 other nations that appeal to me for different reasons. France, Russia, Italy, and USA.
France interests me not because of their late game options, but because of their early game options. The Ironclad I hull can achieve a 100% Gun Damage resistance, and I'm seriously considering just mass producing the Hull type and refitting it into a Monitor fir lategame. Simultaneously, the Scout Cruiser can be used to "lock in" obsolete tech, such as Picric Acid I and Coal for the massive Fire chance + Damage buff and the increased Floatability/structure. Even though the hull gets out dated fairly quickly, it could serve as a Destroyer lategame using cheaper older tech.
Russia is in a similar position, as their BB III hull is an even better candidate for a lategame -100% Gun damage Monitor and they also get the scout cruiser, though I would have to tech rush it in order to lock in Coal/Picric I. They also have more interesting lategame options in my opinion than France, and I have more control over the expansion of my empire, making convoy security MUCH easier than a Global Superpower like France. Little wary of going Soviet though, cause Communism kinda sucks for GDP and its very difficult to get rid of. I understand you can circumnavigate the economic situation by abusing the Government Bail out option (basically just deliberately overspend) while also taking +Naval Budget options over +GDP whenever they show up. Dunno how it works in practice though.
Italy is interesting because I am intimately familiar with playing a Mediterranean superpower, and their Modern BB II looks like it could achieve 100% Gun Damage Resistance IF I tech rush BB development and unlock the hull before Oil II. Needs coal to achieve 100% damage reduction (presumably), but its the only hull I'm remotely interested in.
Coming in Dead Last is USA. I don't like their hulls, they're more manageable than France, and economically they're the long play superpower. The only hull I'm interested in is the Modernized Dreadnought II; I can tech rush to unlock the hull before Oil II, give it coal for 100% Gun Damage Resistance, 4x twin turret 16.9" guns, and basically ignore every other Capital option. The one ship looks good to me, everything else looks pretty meh.
So which Nation should I play, and what kind of strategic advice should I employ for each one?