A friendly reminder to all of our new users - DO NOT REVEAL HOW MANY COINS YOU HOLD
This includes any information that reveals explicit details of how many coins you currently have/ photos of your wallets + portfolios, posts saying ‘just joined the 1m club’, ‘finally reached x amount of coins’ etc etc We are okay with posts that detail a purchase of a specific amount of coins, as this doesn’t not reveal your total holdings, only that you have added to them. But total holdings are absolutely not permitted.
We implement this rule so that you and your investments are protected from individual attack, and so that any user watching over the sub can not compile this information and use it to negatively affect your investments and holdings.
We try and remove these posts as and when we see them, but naturally a few will slip through the net. We ask our wonderful users to please report and flag up any posts and comments that they come across that do contain such information so that we can remove it.
Repeat offenders will be permanently banned from the sub and this is without exception!
We enforce this because we love you all and we want the best for all of you.
Mod team