Please help me deal with my first world problems :)

Well, kids, this is (not) the story of how I met your father.

Some necessary prerequisite info : I attend this school where attendance is non compulsory. You just have to attend to give exams and for lab work days. I don’t really know anyone at the school since most of us just attend a few weeks out of a year.

Around October, when I was at school, I met this other student who was sitting beside me. We had a few hours to kill and started talking and sort of hit it off. When I got back home, we continued texting. We texted almost everyday till December. Then things got a bit busy and conversations got sparse. We met again at school and the few days we were there we always stuck around each other and talked to each other while we were there. But our final exams are now over and we don’t really text anymore ( he kinda ghosted me?) and probably won’t meet each other.

I feel like it’s obvious that I might have developed a slight (?) crush on him. And by crush I mean writing long passages in my diary about how much ”I don’t like him”. It’s been like 2 months since we last texted and I still think about him like..once a day? Somehow, someway. I guess the question is should I forget about him? Is it stupid and futile (and pathetic) to still think about him?

Tldr : Is it weird to still think about a crush even after you lost touch and probably won’t see them again.