How am I the bad guy?
I recently posted a few days ago asking for advice on the situation I’m in. Small recap: I’m a childless woman (24) struggling in a relationship with a single father (30) to a toddler. I took the time to truly sit with my feelings and make a decision on whether to stay or leave the relationship. I chose to leave. Well now, he has made me feel like I’m the issue and I’m in the wrong to break up with him. He blew up this morning and sent me a bunch of texts saying that I didn’t see his worth. That I was not good enough for him. How the right woman will see his worth and preserve for him. I know this is silly but I do feel bad for walking away. That relationship took a huge mental toll on me and I really tried to push through but I just didn’t feel like compromising my life for someone else. I’m just shocked at how this was turned on me when I feel like I went through a lot to make things work. I do have to admit that things were starting to get serious very quickly but I was dumbfounded when he said he wanted me to be a mother figure for his daughter. I think he wanted a second chance at a nuclear family but that is completely ridiculous and unfair since I found out I was infertile and will probably never be able to conceive. Like I said, I know this sounds silly but why do I feel bad?
Edit: There are too many responses for me to reply to, I just want to thank everyone for taking the time to leave a comment. I’m grateful for this community and the reassurance you all have given me after making a very tough decision. Thank you again. ❤️