Do people dislike the SNW Gorn portrayal?
I’ve read some compelling opinions that SNW Gorn are shlocky monsters and therefore shit all over the premise of TOS Gorn being a redeemable species. Put aside the Alien/xenomorph ripoff, I’m talking about the themes of unconscious bias, overcoming differences, seeing past appearances etc. Kirk goes so far as to note that he needs to check his bias against reptilians, and acknowledges the Gorn as rational, reasonable beings capable of mercy and diplomacy. It’s shown that the Gorn only made moves against the Federation to defend what they perceived as their space. Quite a contrast from the horror-movie Gorn of SNW who seem to be cast as shear evil baby-eating villains.
It’s a good point, but I think the SNW Gorn stuff most ppl found entertaining at least, many seemed to actually like it.
Also the SNW Gorn arc is clearly unfinished, so I hold onto some optimism that they will redeem the portrayal and end up showing them as “not monsters”. Making them inhuman monsters might be a bait and switch to trigger audiences preconceived notions of a monster, when in fact they’re just extremely alien (or desperate?). I might be giving the writers too much credit here, but I hope there’s more going on with SNW Gorn than what meets the eye…
PS: I realized after writing the above that Trek has also done an “irredeemable” enemy before in the Borg. Diplomacy doesn’t work with them and they’re horrifying, even having some vaguely similar “body horror” stuff going on. That didn’t seem to be an issue, at least not until the Borg card was overused… they also did some interesting stuff with both ex-Borg characters and the Queen over time, which perhaps did start to dismantle the 1-dimensional “big bad” illusion.
What do you think??