What is your preferred sim racing display? (Triple, Single, VR)
TLDR: I'm curious what people on this sub reddit use as their daily drivers when it comes to displays! Thanks!
I've personally had a VR headset for the longest time but always favored Single Ultrawide because of comfort and quality.
I've recently solved my comfort issues with a nicer headstrap, prescribed lenses and improved the quality of VR by using virtual desktop. VR is now my #1 Choice when it comes to sim racing. I will still however use my Single Monitor when I know I'll be sim racing for 2+ hours.
I don't know if VR is a permanent solution for me yet just because I haven't tried triple monitors. But I think Triple Monitor will be end game for me.
What do you guys use?
After the many responses (thank you btw) I'm surprised to see about 1/3 of the responders use VR headsets! Wow I didn't think It would be that much!