Prof with strong accent? No worries! Earpods that can real-time transcribe speech from prof/anyone with a strong accent to clear standardized speech. With voice canceling!
Hi, everyone I am thinking of my next hackathon idea! It actually derives from my personal experience!
I wanna know if there are a lot of ppl who are experiencing the same problems as I am! A lot of times, it is very hard to understand profs with strong accents when they are giving live lectures. It is really not their fault but it can still cause a lot of troubles for students trying to have a strong grasp of the course!
I am thinking of building a new type of ear pods, that have the following functionalities:
1 Block all outside voices with strong voice canceling, including sound from everyone in the lecture room!
2 Then the device is capable of listening to the person who is giving a speech(the prof in the use case), and transcribing it to a crystal clear voice with a normal accent!
3 Play the voice back to the user's ear with minimal latency possible. So for the user, they will be listening to easily comprehensible content all the time!!!
Is everyone experiencing the same situation as me now and would like to build/use this kind of device! For me, I would feel it can be a lifesaver!!!! Let me know if you are experiencing the same in the comments!