Queens vs UBC

Queens vs UBC

I got accepted into UBC bs and Queen’s general eng.

I am split between what to pick:

Queen’s + Guarantees specialty + Little to no stress + #1 in Social Life Canada + Non competitive, but supportive community + Lots of cool engineering traditions + Closer to Home - No 4 month co-op programs - Ranks a little lower than UBC

UBC + Gorgeous campus + I love nature and am a frequent hiker, so being close to the mountains is a dream + The perfect place to explore the West Coast from (trips to Mt Rainer, California and what not) + Ranks higher than Queens + Has 4 month co-ops - Very stressful due to placement competition - I would have to transfer into Engineering - 10 hours away from nearest family members

The reason I applied to sciences was because earlier this year I was happy with either eng or comp sci, but my interest in Engineering has grown a lot and I regret applying to sciences.

Overall though, I’m just looking for advice and ideas that I will put together with advice from trusted friends and adults to pick where I go