CMTL Comtech
Comtech Sleeper..... Might take a dip tomorrow price wise - (if CSOD wasn't Low T you'd have CMTL)
load up on $20 strikes any month I'd probly buy which ever one looks the juiciest and or maybe lowest IV
satellite relay company Gov-co type
Part military industrial complex part high Tech company built around Spectrums not commonly used by consumers
Had good earnings considering the climate and its accounting absorbed the entire economic Valley of Corona chronologically
Stimulus government spending and a resurgence of older Tech methods For data and voice communication has long term bull potential.
People are going to change how they do things because of Corona
Has a new Product called Comet which looks interesting. Market for it is a wildcard IMO but could be profitable for years
Corona should already be baked in because that's what the bear attack did
Signing fat government contracts bigly you can follow their press releases
Employees purchasing stock, they're making fat stacks this quarter and the stock is trading at a discount
Not cool now but will be cool when people realize they need to change the way we do things
Lot of their profits come from international temporary communication of data. Corona hit pause on a lot of that but it should pick back up. Also might be absorbing another satellite company. Got a discount on the purchase because corona. Seems smart a lot of that companies business is satellite and commercial aviation based. Which took a hit but all this stuff should be baked in.
Trillions of dollars of government spending will be gobbled up by comtech, if "stimulus" isn't successful and we descend into some sort of narco state, zombie apocalypse or civil war scenario the company that comtech is in the process of buying was built originally to provide satellite based point to point communication in south america. I like anything that can be connected to drugs as that's where the real money is.
TL/DR 101 to 1001 shares depending on your bankroll any juicy 20 strikes. Lowish IV plays under .25 also like