How to get Pokemon back that is stucked in the gym for days?
Oh boy, here is the story. My residency area there is only like these two gyms where most people playing pokemon go are from team Valor or team Mystic and I am the only player in team Instinct. And I have the tendency to grind for pokecoins cuz my storage kept getting full. So each day I would wake up early to defeat all the pokemons in the gym w/o the players in my area knowing and takeover with my team (their pokemon entries are weak anyways). And I would be the only pokemon remain in the gym because no one in my area has the same team. So I did this for two weeks and I think they caught onto my act. How do I know? Well because they would always take over my gym after 7 hours or so and I would do the same, refreshing each hour to check if my pokemon stayed there for the max hours (plus I stay at home while those plays prob had a job [im on break]), vice versa. But then after 2 weeks of back n forth, before I left my hometown I left two of my fav pokemons over there, expecting them to defeat them after hours or so. It has been FOUR DAYS and they have been feeding it berries and not attacking it because I have a theory they know I aint getting my coins AND my pokemon if they have just left it there. They played me. 😭
TDLR; I farm pokecoins from gyms near my house, preventing other people from diff team from taking over the gym, immediately gets karma as they played me, now my pokemons are stuck.