PC prices have become stale?
I know many of you won't care but to me it feels like after covid the pc market in NZ has come to a real big halt in that used parts aren't getting cheaper. Like i remember building my pc of used parts and somehow scoring a mining 3070 for 370 bucks 2 years ago, but now i look at prices and there still around 500-600 which is what they always where. I don't know if its just me it just feels like the resale value on parts is not dropping and second pcs are close to brand new price.
Please let me know your thoughts because i'm interested if you guys share the same opinion.
Also one last thing do you guys think consoles are much better value here because i see them like 500-600 second hand and you could only get a comparable pc for double the price.
One more thing i have to ask is why is the jump so big you go practically 500 for 3070 to 1100 for 4070 with no real in-between except the 3080 is this normal or is this just the effect of all the mining covid production etc