Shen Yun - A Semi-Earnest Pisstake.

I went to go see Shen Yun around this time last year, seeing it being advertised around again, I'd thought I'd share my experience with it.

All in all Shen Yun is a pretty amazing spectacle. It combines the wonder of seeing someone do a pretty impressive flip with the aesthetic of a chinese version of Windows 7. If you're into watching insane stunts while having religious and political propaganda spewed at you, this is your sort of event.

Personally, my favorite bit of lyrical genius was the line: "We follow Dafa, the Great Way … Atheism and evolution are deadly ideas. Modern trends destroy what makes us human."

Anyways, it's run by the Falun Gong, who seem to pretty much be the Chinese spin on Jehovahs Witnesses if you decided to add in eugenics and a media empire for a bit of flavor.