MIL gave 11 week old screen time
My MIL watched the baby while hubby and I had a date night. We come back a couple hours later and when we walk into the house my MIL literally has my baby propped up with her phone in her face scrolling Facebook. It’s not even like MIL was on her phone and baby just happened to be looking NO she was literally holding the phone towards my baby’s face (like way from MIL face) and scrolling!!! I am so mad! I know screen time is sometimes hard to avoid like if you’re watching tv and don’t catch baby staring at it right away but to do it intentionally is crazy. I have said here and there my opinions on screen time and one time she even said “you’re gonna change your mind when it’s the only thing that’ll get them quiet” like okay whatever but do you need to give an 11 week old screen time to “get them quiet”? Just makes me think what other rules of mine she ignores.