Question about Hunt, Gather, Parent book, gender question for anyone that's read it...
This may be a weird question, but I just started reading Hunt, Gather, Parent (I'm on page 56), and I've noticed that every single example of a helpful child she's offered so far is a girl. Like "the oldest daughter jumped up to help out" kinda thing. It's been enough and I'm over 50 pages in, that I'm starting to wonder - is it all going to be about girls being expected to help around the house only the author never mentions it? Or do any boys make an appearance in the book later on? I'm a little sensitive bc was raised in a 'traditionalist' western Christian family where girls/women were kinda expected to drop everything and be 'of service' all the time. I know that's not what Michaeleen seems like she is talking about, but that fact that so far it's only daughters helping in all her examples is starting to make me wonder where the book is going.
I have very limited time to read, so if someone who's actually read the whole book already can enlighten me their thoughts on this, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!