Passmedicine High Yield Textbook AI Podcasts Complete

I used google’s new podcast ai tool (Notebooklm) to generate ai podcasts covering the FULL Passmedicine High Yield Textbook. I did this after days of experimenting and finding out the best method (which you can read at the bottom).

You can download the podcasts here:

Edit 2-3: Feel free to leave issues and feedback in the comments section. The repeated topics are unfortunately a flaw with Notebooklm (where they sometimes discuss some topics 2-3 times in one podcast like in 01 Dermatology). However I've read a suggestion on another subreddit that this could be the “Preview, Present, Review” format of presenting. So the repeats may actually be a feature and not a bug.

These are hours long podcasts per section (longest is almost 8 hours long) and a total of over 102 hours for everything combined. Each podcast goes through EVERY single condition in the corresponding textbook section.

I did this for 15 topics/conditions at a time, for the ENTIRE passmedicine textbook. That means I generated podcasts for every 15 conditions in each passmedicine section, then combined every individual podcast into a single one for each section (cardiology had about 150 conditions/topics so that was TEN podcasts, each covering up to 15 conditions, which were then combined into one). This was the only way to generate high quality podcasts that went through every condition properly. I tried every other way and this was the only way that worked.

The information is copied directly from the passmedicine website so it’s based on updated information as of December 2024.

Skip to the bottom to see how I did it

If you just want the podcast files you don’t need to read any further! Link is above.

I can't share the doc files for the passmedicine high yield textbook due to copyright. However you can just access it from the website with a UKMLA question bank subscription and I created it by copy and pasting anyway.

Also, I'm not affiliated with passmedicine. The email address is a burner one I made.


Length of podcasts (hh:mm:ss)

Total of all podcasts (102:22:25)

01 Dermatology (04:22:20)

02 ENT (02:27:55)

03 Ethics and Law (01:11:06)

04 Medicine 01 Cardiology (07:29:53)

04 Medicine 02 Endocrinology (05:05:25)

04 Medicine 03 Gastroenterology (05:17:28)

04 Medicine 04 Geriatric Medicine (00:49:11)

04 Medicine 05 Haematology (04:51:53)

04 Medicine 06 Immunology (01:06:01)

04 Medicine 07 Infectious Diseases (06:36:36)

04 Medicine 08 Metabolic Medicine (01:55:27)

04 Medicine 09 Nephrology (03:22:55)

04 Medicine 10 Neurology (07:49:10)

04 Medicine 11 Oncology (00:55:06)

04 Medicine 12 Palliative Care (00:19:20)

04 Medicine 13 Respiratory (03:42:01)

05 Musculoskeletal 01 Orthopaedics (04:48:48)

05 Musculoskeletal 02 Rheumatology (03:42:09)

06 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 01 Contraception (00:56:18)

06 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 02 Gynaecology (03:03:21)

06 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 03 Obstetrics (04:17:49)

07 Ophthalmology (02:17:33)

08 Paediatrics (07:57:14)

09 Pharmacology (03:48:43)

10 Psychiatry (03:06:15)

11 Statistics (00:57:27)

12 Surgery 01 Anaesthetics and periop (01:18:24)

12 Surgery 02 Breast (00:43:27)

12 Surgery 03 Colorectal (01:21:59)

12 Surgery 04 General Surgery (02:25:28)

12 Surgery 05 Neurosurgery (00:47:47)

12 Surgery 06 Paediatric Surgery (00:15:41)

12 Surgery 07 Upper GI and Hepatobiliary (00:49:49)

12 Surgery 08 Urology (01:59:11)

12 Surgery 09 Vascular (00:22:00)

How to make Notebooklm podcasts using the Passmedicine High Yield Textbook as the source.

Step 1:

Copy and paste all of the passmedicine high yield textbook into word files per section. Name these in a way for good sorting, creating subsections where necessary (eg. 01 Dermatology, 04 Medicine 01 Cardiology, 04 Medicine 02 Endocrinology etc.).

Organisation of the information is key. Make sure you use headings and generate a contents page for reference. Make sure each heading starts on a new page.

Passmedicine high yield textbook copy and pasted into a word document

Optimal file name organisation


Step 2:

Export these word documents into PDF, but split them into 15 topics per PDF. This is why you need a table of contents; it allows you to count 15 topics at a time and get the exact page numbers. Name these well for sorting (eg. 01 Dermatology Pages 004 to 027, 01 Dermatology Pages 028 to 065)

Count 15 conditions/topics at a time and note their exact page numbers

Generate individual mini PDFs of information that cover 15 conditions/topics at a time

Step 3:

For each PDF file, create an accompanying topics list (create it on word then export to PDF), listing the ~15 topics/conditions covered in that PDF file. This topics list is important as we will tell Notebooklm to stick to the topic list. It stops the ai from "hallucinating" extra topics.

Create a list of the conditions/topics covered.

Optimal file naming for good organisation.


Step 4:

Go to the google notebooklm website and log in (or create an account). A free account can generate 20 podcasts daily.


Step 5:

Create a new notebook and upload a 15 topic PDF (eg. 01 Dermatology Pages 004 to 027) along with the accompanying topics list (eg. 01 Dermatology Pages 004 to 027 Topic List).

It helps to rename the notebook accordingly (eg. 01 Dermatology Pages 004 to 027). As it will automatically name the audio file as such.


Step 6:

Click "Customise" and give the appropriate prompt from below (Now you can see why we needed the topics list):


For normal topics:

Give a podcast to medical students but only talk about the topics on the topic list, using the information from the source material. Focus on presentation, investigations and management. Be very specific and concise. There is no time limit. Stop once you’ve discussed all the topics on the topic list. Do not deviate from the topic list.


For Ethics and law + statistics:

Give a podcast to medical students but only talk about the topics on the topic list, using the information from the source material. Be very specific and concise. There is no time limit. Stop once you’ve discussed all the topics on the topic list. Do not deviate from the topic list.


For pharmacology:

Give a podcast to medical students but only talk about the topics on the topic list, using the information from the source material. Focus on Indications, Mechanisms of action, doses, contraindications and side effects. Be very specific and concise. There is no time limit. Stop once you’ve discussed all the topics on the topic list. Do not deviate from the topic list.

Upload a mini-pdf with the accompanying topics list then give notebooklm this prompt

Step 7:

Download the podcast once generated, naming it appropriately (eg. 01 Dermatology Pages 004 to 027)

Name generated podcasts in a way that allows for neat organisation


Step 8:

Repeat steps 5 to 7 until you've generated podcasts for every topic in a single passmedicine high yield textbook session.


Step 9: Use a program (I used VEGAS Movie Studio 16 Platinum Steam Edition on Steam) to join all the podcast files together, and export/render as a single .mp3 file, named accordingly (eg. 01 Dermatology).

Join each 15 condition podcast together in order to create a final file that covers the entire passmedicine section.

Step 10: Repeat steps 1 through 10 until you've covered the entire passmedicine high yield textbook.

Edit 1: had to crop a screenshot to not dox myself